Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Late Night Speaking

#nowplaying 你不在 by Jason Chen . Have been listening to his cover lately. I prefer him singing song which are originally from female singer. So that I can see the different style of singing. The song I highly recommend is 你的歌声里 originally by 曲婉婷. All I can say is he sang sing much much more better than the original singer. LOL. But however I never like the ori style before.

See, blogging at this late hour because I have something to tell but don't know to who. I wish I could feel better after writting these out. Alright it's about him. Or maybe, from now on I'll give him a name. Err.. Let's call him Tuna. LOL. Okay, what I am not so happy with is what Tuna done. Lately, or maybe not. I shall say always, he is being way toooo caring to people, especially to her. I can't really accept what he did, but I can't do anything besides keep quiet at a side. Showing face will only make me look silly infront of people. However, telling him things I don't like will only show me that I am being way to childish. But everyone know, getting jealous is a type of veryveryvery natural phenomena a person will have towards their crush/lover/whateveritcalled. Somehow we just can't be too obvious of being jealous or sometimes we even only have to keep it to ourselves because saying it out won't help or only will make thing more worst. Oh gosh, there are two choice. Be more generous, or to have a guy that do everything for you ONLY. I know the second option is not as easy as it is to happen on me so I think I will work hard on the first one. Lol. 

Maybe people around me think that I am a very tough girl, and you know, guys, protects the soft girls more. But this doesn't mean that strong girls don't need care. Guys thing strong girl can handle everything but sometimes, thing is just the other way round. They need more care than the others, because all this while they have nobosy to let them rely on. One day they will be tired of being who they are. 

Been listening Jason Chen's songs while writting at this late hour, so got feel eh? hahaha

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Confess Day

Tons of things running in my head now and I really find it hard to arrange them nicely before writting them all down. So today's posts might be abit more random then usual(though i just have one post so far, lol). I mean, compared to the way i normally write.

Let me just roughly explain what have I done today. Basically I've done a duty to be a receptionist for the water colour painting today in WKSGM. Just a very normal exhibition day with very less walk-in visitors. Really, mot many people now actually apprecitaing art work, especially youngster. I don't deny that I am one of them. That is why, I have a question here how can a water colour painting cost few thousand usd and there people still willing to buy it? If I were draw similar things will I be able to sell my drawing with that price too? Oh, just wondering or dreaming indeed. You know, this money can buy me a car already. A car and a painting, which ome do you think is more worth it? Sorry, this is my thought of being a typical 90's (and no offence to art lovers)

Okay, done of my today's story. Now I'm gonna talk about my current concern. There is one question revolving me recently, to love or to be loved? Like duh, most of the people (yes I said most, not all) will say "aiyaaa, of course choose to be loved la!". Yea damn true, when I was asked the same question last tim I would answer the same. Now I know, it is not as easy as that. Giving opinion is different from making decision. Choosing to be loved is easy and at the same time giving up to love is not simple at all. But somehow having both together is impossible. If choose to love, giving up to beloved is definitely not hard. However, "to love" this action itself is not easy. You have know that to love means you having to be willing to do anything for that person and must not expect to get back anything from him/her.

Sometimes, I have an urge to choose to be loved. But too bad, that person just fail to give me confident, as his character is not like what I am hoping my guy to be. No I wont admit that my expectation is too high because I know what I am expecting is just what other girls are hoping for. Anyway, my decision always change alternately, untill now. LOL. So, what I said is just say. I'm afraid to make a choice as I scared I would regret next time for making a wrong choice. Perhaps, I would definitely think "why do I choose this?" no matter what is my decision. Ya, this is me, ZoeTang, never satisfy. Hahaha

Sorry, my blog is all about words, no pictures. Reason1: lazy, you know I take time to transfer file and to upload and to adjust.. Reason2: I have to many place to upload and I dont know where to choose, fb, twitter, instagram, I dont wanna reposting my pictures for so many times.

Thats all for today, things I said was not as random as how I expect. But somehow it might be boring post which only talk about my stuff. Lol. Bye.

Ohyeah, today is suppose to be a confess day :)